Crawlspace closure. Lattice?

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Crawlspace closure. Lattice?

Post by Nicholas »

Hi, I see that on a lot of the older homes posted here, for the most part the space beneath the porches are enclosed with lattice or trellis, mostly the original wood XXXX type.

As for my crawlspace, some say that it would be considered "tacky". The previous owner had tacked up the white plastic. Yet I see the XXXX a lot, including the historic district. Then again I am wondering if it should be closed at all, and just paint the piers.

Valued opinions? Here is the south side of the house, with my homemade AC hiding picket fence. The left is the addition with painted piers, the middle is the new piers, the far right is the original brick pier, painted.
SAM_3034.JPG (154.38 KiB) Viewed 1275 times
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Re: Crawlspace closure. Lattice?

Post by Don M »

I think the lattice was used most often to keep animals out from under the porches. It is a 'look' too from probably the Victorian period. The true lattice from that period were squares rather than diamonds from what I've seen. On my in-laws house they had the carpenter make the square lattice as diamonds were all that was available.

In your case, if you aren't concerned about animals getting under there I think your home has a very clean appearance just the way it is.

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Re: Crawlspace closure. Lattice?

Post by Nicholas »

Don M wrote:I think the lattice was used most often to keep animals out from under the porches. It is a 'look' too from probably the Victorian period. The true lattice from that period were squares rather than diamonds from what I've seen. On my in-laws house they had the carpenter make the square lattice as diamonds were all that was available.

In your case, if you aren't concerned about animals getting under there I think your home has a very clean appearance just the way it is.

I have 5 cats that love it under the house. And as I look to the right, I can see that the wild hog visited last night, and the yard is dug up right in front of my truck.

So! I think not having lattice would be correct and authentic for this type of house, and money should be spent on a wire fence and keeping that damn piggy out!
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Re: Crawlspace closure. Lattice?

Post by lovesickest »

Having the lattice would help your crawlspace to not become one giant covered litterbox, for sure.

Do other people in your area have issues with wild pigs ? If so, I would do some asking about what is securely pig-proof as it would be a shame to do a bunch of work only to have it ripped up and/or torn apart by that marauding pig. I have no clue about the habits of wild pigs - would it want to hang out under your house ? Are they spiteful ? Are they destructive when playful or scared ? I have heard that pigs are as smart as dogs. Know your enemy and plan accordingly ?

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Re: Crawlspace closure. Lattice?

Post by Nicholas »

Lovesickest, this is the scene:

The Catholic Church and its lovely hourly church bells, (which were lovely at first, then annoying, and now I don't even hear them anymore....) owns about ten acres of wooded low land right in back of our property line, which is fenced, up until it reaches the water on the 1/3 acre lot next door which they also own. This fence line borders the rear of the property lines all the way up to the dead end street at the north end. My next door neighbor has hog wire extending from that line almost to the street. So, nobody north of me has the problem, as I can see where piggy has made its little trail from the south end of the fence line onto my property.

South of that next door lot, there used to be 3 homes that were torn down, that is also wetlands, owned by DOT. I can see piggy visits in there also. Further south of that, there are more woods, and even a gator or two, followed by some nice homes on one acre lots. I am sure they are dealing with piggy.

Yes they can be nasty when confronted, this one appears to be urbanized, doesn't seem to care about mine or neighbors cats.

The cats: One of them loves it outside, out all hours of the day and night, and probably has conversations with the piggy.

"I don't care what you do to daddy's lawn, just don't bother me".

"No problem, and since I look like some kind of big ugly dog, I know you wont bother me..."

The first thing the other cats do, when they go sniff around the feeding area of piggy, and then scratch and do their thing. I don't know what goes on under the house, except I have already found two dead cats under house can be good, lattice won't keep rats out...or in...

I painted all of the foundation piers white, going to go with that for now. Looks ok.
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Re: Crawlspace closure. Lattice?

Post by Don M »

Shoot piggy, they are very destructive & carry diseases, some transmittable to people.Also can seriously hurt or kill you.

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Re: Crawlspace closure. Lattice?

Post by Gothichome »

Nicholas, if Don is correct about the pig I guess the pig roast is out. How are you making out with purchasing the empty lot?

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Re: Crawlspace closure. Lattice?

Post by lovesickest »

Here is a link about pig to human disease transmission. It is mostly fecal/oral transmission - so your biggest risk would be not washing your hands thoroughly enough after gardening or soil excavation: ... morrow.htm

It sounds like you and the pig can co-exist grudgingly so I think your risk is very low. However - my neighbour hood cats (including my cats) LOVE any sort of sheltered area for their improvised cat box use. If you ever have to get into your crawlspace for any house repair stuff, I assure you that you do not want to contend with a decades old mega-litterbox scene under there - whew ! The lattice is a practical solution.

Does your community/county have any wild pig policies or animal control that contends with this ? In Toronto raccoons are the wildlife pest that is everywhere. They are smart and strong with those little hands of theirs. It is up to a homeowner to pay for any raccoon-proofing on their property, or repairs to damage caused by the raccoons. The city is ideal for them - lots of delicious human garbage, shelter, trees and other raccoons.

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Re: Crawlspace closure. Lattice?

Post by Nicholas »

Hi all,

The piggy is brazen and getting a little too close for comfort, about 20 feet from the house last night and I can see his tracks between barn and house. I think fence first, then lattice. I am going to ask about the nuisance policy if any. My game cam also snapped a pic of a fox out back.

The good Padre emailed me back on the next door property and, being new to the parish, wasn't even aware of the property until that day I chatted with him. He said via Email that he had a knee jerk reaction when I asked him about the property, but the Diocese has the decision and has to look at their 5 year plan. Apparently that was originally purchased for a home for religious sisters.

I would rather have the driveway! :shock:

But I don't see any build able value there, either way he promised me first crack at it when they make a decision.
1915 Frame Vernacular Bungalow

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