Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

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Lily left the valley
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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by Lily left the valley »

Not really bad news/good news update.

The not really bad news is that there's nothing we can do to expedite the taxes being processed. We at least tried, so we're fine with this.

The good news came in the form of a story from a fellow postal worker. Said postal worker also bought a home in the winter. He had never filed taxes before trying to buy a home. He's younger, and all through college he had been marked as a dependent on his folks'. Later, he just never started filing on his own. When he went to buy his house, the bank made it plain he had to amend the situation. They way they did it, was he only did the most recent year filing, and his mom acted as a guarantor to smooth things over so he didn't have to file for all the years he hadn't to make the bank happy.

Why this matters is he found out that winter is the best time for taxes to get processed quickly. Since the delayed returns are pretty much done, and the next year's tax returns haven't started coming in since most folks don't have their W-2s yet, the IRS folks aren't swamped. We also sent them in well before when Christmas Eve to New Year's Day might have been an issue. Now, we might still be a bit close to when the closing time for extensions ended, but it's definitely not the same as if we were trying to do this in the spring/summer.

I asked spouse if he knew exactly how long it took to process them, and on that he wasn't sure, but he was fairly certain the co-worker did not have to extend his closing date. I asked him to find out for certain tomorrow.

Other related...

As I was looking into Title Insurance today, I was reminded that if we can tie in to our Lender's policy, we'll get both at a reduced price (since we have to pay for the Lender's as part of closing costs). So I have to write to our mortgage guy about that to see if the info is still true. (There was no date on the article.) Fortunately, it's tied to the cost of the home, so it's another reason to be glad about our moving here to a lower cost area. :thumbup:

We're a bit more hopeful today, for certain. I'm still worried we might not make our mortgage commitment date, but if all we heard from his co-worker is true, then we may still be ok for our closing date at least.

Today I've been thinking about window treatments, remembering EQA's post. I've been gathering fabric over the years for curtains, in the hope that some day we'd have our forever home. Now that I've been doing research on bungalows, I know a lot of it is heavier (not velvet heavy, but not linen either) than was typical, so I've got some thinking to do as to if I'll still use it, or instead put those fabrics to other purposes. I need to do a window count, so I can get an idea of how much we might need sooner rather than later. I figure I can always just do a simple drape or drape and pin for the short term since I did forget to measure windows. :doh: So that will be one project I'll need to focus on after we get moved out of here.

I have to say, I really miss the second hand shop I haunted in Newton, NJ. Although the one I like in town here has some similarities, for some reason the one in Newton was like a one stop shop for me. I think it's because it had a lot of folks buying there, and the turnover rate was a lot faster because it was a charity run, so the pricing was lower since most things were donations (they did have a small consignment section). Here, the non furniture store stock moves slower, though steady, so there's not much cause for them to keep bringing in a lot of new stock. (The crafting area, though, is a much wider selection.) The local Salvo we have is ok for clothes, but that's really the bulk of what they carry. They only have a very small housewares section, and no space set aside at all for furnishings, knick-knacks or craft bits.

We have been repeating "It will all work out" a lot lately. Time will tell. :confusion-waiting:
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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by Vined Porch »

Fingers crossed for you ..would it be a problem if the closing date has to move back a bit or is it set in stone?
When we bought this house our agreed closing date at start of the process was Oct 1st but we eventually after a couple of other dates closed on November 12th due to some title issues the seller had to get documents for.
When we sold our previous house the date was put back by a month but I know that things can vary by state I guess!
Anyway all the best and try not to stress!

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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by Lily left the valley »

Thankies, Vined. We're definitely in better spirits than we were a week ago. :D

The closing date is set in the P&S, but there may be wiggle room since a lot of things like where the closing would be has a place stated (county records office about an hour away), but our realtor said that could change if all parties agreed on a different place that is much closer sort of thing. I looked back over the P&S and don't see any strongly worded "if x deadline is missed, it's the end for you", but since we're first timers, I always feel uncertain when anything out of the supposed norm happens.

What I don't know is if the seller will have someone else handling her end, or if she is flying in from out of state to be there personally. To me, that might be the larger issue if she's planning to fly in for the signing. I have a feeling it's quite possibly she won't, as she's been fairly hands off with everything. She's out in California, and we are not that close to any major airport, so there'd be a drive on top of the flight just to be present for closing. I will make a point to ask our realtor about what might happen if we do have to do a small push back on the date.

I think I forgot to mention that we did get some answers back from the seller's agent about questions like where the missing radiator might be, though most of them were of the "Don't know, maybe in the garage" variety. We still don't have a definite "yes, everything/most items in the garage is staying". Given how things have been going, it feels like what was in the garage at the time of the P&S signing will still be in there when we close. I know there are other siblings that live nearby, so maybe they came to take some stuff out. I guess I could take a walk over there tomorrow to see if anything seems to have been removed.

Spouse and I are eagerly looking forward to treasure hunting in the garage. It was so jammed we couldn't maneuver much in there, but of what we did see, we will be happy to own and there may still be more treasures to unearth as well.

Overall, my mood about the bungalow today is that I'm cautiously hopeful. :handgestures-fingerscrossed:
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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by Don M »

Do check to be sure any items like doors, shutters, light fixtures etc that are part of the house are not removed. There are horror stories about losing things that should have stayed. My parents bought a big house in Denver where all the hanging light fixtures were gone when they took possession.

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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by Lily left the valley »

I meant to mention one conversation I had with spouse recently. He said off-handedly that until I can fix the few cracked windows, we'll just put up that plastic sheeting to help with winterization. Oh, what a moment that was when I realized he meant the kind where we'd be putting the adhesive right on the wood. :violence-fencing: What followed was a thankfully brief conversation, as I reminded him I was much more concerned about the R0 value of our attic insulation and the few spots of same in the basement sill cavities than what little leakage we'd prevent with plastic film, given the also likely lack of more than 1/2" board foam I saw near the front door where a tile had broken, meaning that might be all that's insulating the entire exterior. Yep, that plastic film will prevent needing a few more oil deliveries this winter for sure. :lolno: Aaannnndd I just remembered I haven't started calling around for oil prices yet.

Don M wrote:Do check to be sure any items like doors, shutters, light fixtures etc that are part of the house are not removed. There are horror stories about losing things that should have stayed. My parents bought a big house in Denver where all the hanging light fixtures were gone when they took possession.

Don, I have heard such stories, one where trim went missing--in the entire home. There is the standard clause hitting on this I made sure was in the P&S. We just tried to get clarity on what was in the garage, as we suspected when they started renting, they tossed stuff in there they meant to get to later, but didn't. I've got a checklist for things that could go missing that I know will be an issue for my old house loving self, since who knows if one of the local siblings decides to walk in and help themselves, thinking no one would notice. Speaking of, spouse reminded me last night that we will not be seeing the seller. He had mentioned our agent had said that during a time the two of them were chatting away during the inspection, and I had completely forgotten.

Eh, that also reminds me we haven't decided yet if we want to get a locksmith to try to key all the exterior doors the same, or buy those "keyed alike" sets for the short term at closing. I don't know how difficult it would be to schedule a smith the same day as closing, and since I found way more locksmiths locally than I thought I would, now I want to see if we can get the best one. I think that's where we hit the wall on the conversation the last time. I just don't like buying new cheap locksets for the short term if we can avoid it. We know at least two doors will get changed out. Not in 2017, but still, I don't want to buy really nice ones until that's done.

I think I need to do a once over on my ToDo list today. :oops:
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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by Don M »

That all sounds good. I had our doors rekeyed when we closed but my locks are both the same & the cylinders come out.

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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by eclecticcottage »

@vinedporch NY seems to be a long closing time state-usually anyway. The three closings we were involved in prior to the Bungalow Project (buying the Old House, buying the Cottage and selling the Old House) all took longer than they were supposed to. When I made the offer on the Bungalow Project the one thing I was concerned about was the closing-a little over a month-and the $100 a day penalty if I went over! My lawyer said not to be concerned, usually it was the bank or dickering between lawyers that drew them out. I still can't believe it, but it took less than a month to close on the Bungalow Project!

@lily-I bought a set of locks for the Bungalow Project. Nothing exciting, but $35 for the set of two knobs and deadbolts with alike keys. They are "rubbed oil bronze". Home Depot. They had cheaper ones, but they really looked cheaper! These were easy enough to install and look reasonable. They would be good enough for a couple years while you do other stuff.

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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

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They sound fine.

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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by Gothichome »

Yes Lily, make sure yo understand what is being left behind. We had three doors off thier hinges and in the basement, verbally checked that they we staying with the home. Moved in and they were gone. Nothing I could do about it at that point.

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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by Lily left the valley »

I feel like we lost a week somehow. Spouse finally finished the first time home buyers' class, and the documents didn't have all his test results showing properly on the print out, although it was showing right on the computer screen. We're still waiting to hear back from them since we need the signed completion form to send to our mortgage guy.

We know the taxes got delivered (spouse paid for the tracking so we'd know when it arrived.), so now it's a bit more waiting for them to get processed. The co-worker who had done his late said they processed his in less than a week. I don't know if we'll be so lucky.

I'm really here posting trying to not think about dirty snowflakes (see the Xmas thread.)

Speaking of flakes...this is the first week that snow is on the forecast for multiple days. We have a dusting now. Don't think we'll get too much, but I'll need to get out there to sweep a bit when it eases off. Otherwise, we might have that ice sheen if the sun comes out later, and the driveway is sloped rather deep the farther you go down towards the garage.

I need to take a walk back over to the bungalow to count locks. I know the front door is only a deadbolt to lock (doorknob has none). I think the garage is a single key in the knob, basement I haven't the faintest idea, and I think there is a deadbolt at least on the side door.

Oh, speaking of counting, 21 windows, not counting the basement which is 3/5 since two were blocked up with ply. I definitely have enough existing curtains and fabric to handle that in the short term, even if it's just fold over cloth bits on cafe/tension rods. Half and a full also needed for the front and side doors. worried I'm going to mangle the ornaments by cleaning them wrong. :confusion-helpsign:
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