Our guest room is finally done

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Re: Our guest room is finally done

Post by eclecticcottage »

I envy your flat walls...even though I understand the work that went into them and do not envy that.

It is my goal to at least try to get that type of flatness and finish quality in the stairwell and hall at the Bungalow. Whether or not that happens remains to be seen, but it my goal...especially after seeing this...

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Re: Our guest room is finally done

Post by nhguy »

Hi Phil and EC again thanks for the kind words. You are right most non old house people think it just happens, it's a lot of work as we all know, but as a hobby, It's one I really love. I always learn something new, like on this job, the Porter Cable orbital sander attached to my shop vac was a God send. The easy sand joint compound helped too and the light I held angled up in my left hand, as I sanded to catch all the uneven surfaces. I used a Ben Moore Regal Select eggshell latex on the walls. The color is Bronzed Plate from the 20th century collect of California Paints. They'll mail you a chart if you call their 800 number. I also primed everything with A Ben Moore Ultra Spec Vapor Barrier Primer Sealer.

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