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‘It lives, it lives’, well most things

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 11:46 am
by Gothichome
Folks we had our first week of warm weather finally. Every thing has come to life, tulips blooming, trees leafing out. I have to cut our lawn for the first time this year. The radishes and carrots are breaking surface, time to start thinking of planting the tomato’s and cucumbers ect. We lost three roses though to last year’s Asian beetle attack, all three were the fancy roses, the hardier types fared well.
Also time to start windows once again,

Re: ‘It lives, it lives’, well most things

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 1:48 pm
by Vala
Our spring came 3 weeks late, we entered May with budding trees instead of the usual full green by mid april.

Re: ‘It lives, it lives’, well most things

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 7:03 pm
by awomanwithahammer
Oh, my gosh, I've been mowing my yard since the beginning of April! It needed it before then, but I refused to mow it in March. :|

I inherited a stand of peonies which used to bloom really well, but last year I got only two blooms. I was afraid they were goners but there's several buds this year. However, they're the last ones on the block to open up. I don't know what to do with them. I don't have a green thumb at all!

Re: ‘It lives, it lives’, well most things

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 8:41 pm
by Gothichome
AWWAH, you folks in the south have it too easy. Like Vala we are a good three weeks behind as well. I’m hoping we pick up those missing warm weeks in the fall. It’s only fair.

Re: ‘It lives, it lives’, well most things

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 9:11 pm
by Vala
Gothichome wrote:AWWAH, you folks in the south have it too easy. Like Vala we are a good three weeks behind as well. I’m hoping we pick up those missing warm weeks in the fall. It’s only fair.

Lol and same here. I need those warm weeks for outdoor projects!

Re: ‘It lives, it lives’, well most things

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 9:40 pm
by awomanwithahammer
Yeah, come down here in August and say that.

Re: ‘It lives, it lives’, well most things

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 12:18 pm
by heartwood
same here in western Massachusetts...we're always later than boston to green up but we sure are late this year....
I mowed me lawn 5 days ago for the first has rained since and the grass has grown 3 inches since then!!

I know the weather gets really hot in the south but, after 62 years of new England winters, I think I could handle it...October is quite beautiful with the foliage but once it's gone, everything looks drab gray and the weather reflects the look until the snow begins in earnest in December then it's shovel, shovel, shovel and slip and slide on the ice....i vote for one month of fall, winter and spring and 9 months of summer...who's in??

oh, my 100 tulips are up and gorgeous...they last a long time...I gave all the neighbors a dozen bulbs and those are up too!

Re: ‘It lives, it lives’, well most things

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 12:49 pm
by awomanwithahammer
heartwood wrote:same here in western Massachusetts...we're always later than boston to green up but we sure are late this year....
I mowed me lawn 5 days ago for the first has rained since and the grass has grown 3 inches since then!!

I know the weather gets really hot in the south but, after 62 years of new England winters, I think I could handle it...October is quite beautiful with the foliage but once it's gone, everything looks drab gray and the weather reflects the look until the snow begins in earnest in December then it's shovel, shovel, shovel and slip and slide on the ice....i vote for one month of fall, winter and spring and 9 months of summer...who's in??

oh, my 100 tulips are up and gorgeous...they last a long time...I gave all the neighbors a dozen bulbs and those are up too!

OK, I'll concede. I think I can handle Southern summers better than I could handle Northern winters! Basically, your proposal for 9 months of summer and 3 months of the other seasons is pretty accurate for around here. It often doesn't get really cold until December, and sometimes the daffodils start blooming in late February or March. My tulips have come and gone already. I didn't plant anything, but it's always a treat (and a surprise!) when things start coming up out of the ground. I'm particularly attached to the peonies, my favorite flower, so I worry about them. I wish I knew how to take care of them. We've lost several trees in our yard, including two dogwoods; I really hated that.

Re: ‘It lives, it lives’, well most things

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 11:56 pm
by heartwood
woman, I was going to suggest you go to park avenue but you arrived already!!

Re: ‘It lives, it lives’, well most things

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 4:05 am
by Lily left the valley
We have bits starting to unfurl here finally as well. Rain kept me out of the garden a lot so far since then. Today was gorgeous and I didn't get outside at all. :cry: The rest of the week should be fruitful though. Of course the weeds are already sprouting everywhere. First dandelion flowers this weekend as well as returning common milkweed and some violets. The Berry Army is sprouting leaves like crazy too.
