Freeing a stuck top sash on second story

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roberteden (WavyGlass)
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Freeing a stuck top sash on second story

Post by roberteden (WavyGlass) »

I am new to this site. I am trying to free a stuck top sash on a second story window. House is 115 years old and these are original windows. Can't access from outside as wooden storms are caulked in place and it would be difficult to remove them. I have remove the bottom sash and the parting beads. The top sash is loose on one side but it is stuck on the other. I removed the wood on the side so I can access the weight as I thought the weight was stuck on the pulley, but it moves freely. I can't reach into the area between the sash and storm as it is it is a tight fit. It doesn't appear to be stuck from painting as it moves 1/4" but no more. I have run a putty knife along the sides and tried a pry bar from the top, but can't get it to budge. Any suggestions? Will I have to disassemble the sash in place to remove it? If so, how do I go about doing that without breaking the glass?

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Re: Freeing a stuck top sash on second story

Post by mattswabb »

You at least need to get it down past the pulleys as these will prevent you from removing the sash. Make sure the paint in the rails is clear and not obstructing the sash.

I've had to scrape the rails to get some of mine to move. They move an inch then stick and I'd scrape more and so on till they are all the way down.

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Re: Freeing a stuck top sash on second story

Post by heartwood »

it's possible the rope/knot slipped out of the bore (knot hole) and is jamming the sash...if i've made sure the sash is broken free of the paint and can't get the sash to budge, i sometimes do what i call 'woman-handling' the sash...grab sash firmly at the meeting rail/stile joint at borth sides and, while pulling downward, shake the heck out of the sash...if that doesn't get any movement after a few tries (it almost always works), remove the head stop (trim bead that lines up with the side stops)...slip a stiff putty knife under the stop and gently pry til you get some space then use a prybar to remove the stop...this will give you better access to get a block and a prybar in for some leverage...start prying at the center then move to either side...once you get the sash down beyond the pulley, you can pull the bottom of the sash toward you and remove...

let us know how you make out...good luck!

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Rod Paine (WavyGlass)
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Re: Freeing a stuck top sash on second story

Post by Rod Paine (WavyGlass) »

Probably not your actual problem, since you've got wooden storm windows, but I had this problem with two of my aluminum triple-track storms, because several of them had been installed with excessively long wood screws at their frame perimeter where they were screwed to the upper sash exterior stops and the screws went through the stop and into the upper sash, literally screwing it in place! Mine also only moved only slightly, because the aluminum screws bent, as I tried to free up the sash. I only realized what was going on, after I removed the storm window screws and storm window frame, discovering several very long screws involved.

Any chance excessive length screws might have been involved on your wooden storm window, in an attempt to tighten it up and driven in so far they are into the upper sash? Years of paint now covering the screw heads?
