Substitue for Turpentine in Bloturp

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Substitue for Turpentine in Bloturp

Post by ZoraQ »

Unbeknownst to me, the state of Calif has banned the sale of turpentine. I'm working on my sashes I needed to make up a new batch of bloturp and am out of turpentine. I found out at the HW store that they can't sell it anymore. D'oh!

I still have Boiled Linseed oil and Penetrol but no access to turpentine. Other than driving to Nevada and smuggling high VOC solvents over state lines, is there a good alternative to turpentine in a bloturp mix? I was think of just mixing Linseed and Penetrol but thought I'd asked the knowledgeable folks here if they have other suggestions.

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Re: Substitue for Turpentine in Bloturp

Post by Gothichome »

Zora,it’s been a while. A quick search on the net suggests a product called turpenoid is a direct substitute. Never heard of it myself, I get a lot of hits on artists sites. Mineral spirits is also suggested as a good sub. For our purposes making BLOT they probably work well in acting as a carrier to get the linseed into the wood. Not sure of the anti rot and insect deterrent they would be compared to turps.
Jade and others, we best start stocking up now on turps. Hopefully this silliness won’t get any further than California.

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Re: Substitue for Turpentine in Bloturp

Post by heartwood »

hmmm...I appreciate California being environmentally conscientious but real turpentine is not as bad as paint thinner (mineral spirits)... I get my turps shipped from's expensive (actually the price came down about $10) it might be cheaper to get it from an art supply store and save on shipping...

as a side note, penetrol is also going off the market...don't know the story behind it yet...


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Re: Substitue for Turpentine in Bloturp

Post by PaulJohnson »

I have used BLO, mineral spirits, and polyurethane for years as a wipe on finish on shop cabinets and small pieces of furniture.

Jade is the expert on the benefits of turps.

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Re: Substitue for Turpentine in Bloturp

Post by ZoraQ »

Thanks for the suggestions. I may try a mix of BLO, mineral spirits and Penetrol and see how that works. I saw that Penetrol is going off the the market as well. I assumed that is was a California thing again but I didn't drill down into the details. I may have to do a trip to Reno for fun and to load up on turpentine and oil based paints. LOL...

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Re: Substitue for Turpentine in Bloturp

Post by Manalto »

Recently I tried to buy turpentine in Connecticut and could only find the small can (pint?) marked "for artists" in the big-box stores. Finally I found some at an Ace hardware store. It seems to be getting scarcer here, too.

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Re: Substitue for Turpentine in Bloturp

Post by 1918ColonialRevival »

Great, the enviro-nuts are at it again. CA needs to worry about how to control and prevent wildfires and desalinate ocean water versus banning turpentine (and don't even get me started on how much they tax you poor souls out there!).

It's like these clowns in the DC/MD area with their crusade against drinking straws. The most common piece of trash in the Chesapeake Bay, or just about any other waterway in the US, is a plastic bottle, the problem of which could be completely eliminated by going back to returnable glass deposit bottles. Of course no one wants to address the real cause of the problem, which is doing something to the people who throw their trash wherever they want.

I don't mean to rant, but I always ask myself "what's next?" with this bunch.

Anyway, back to the point. Does turpentine have a shelf life? It seems that MD likes to copy the radical ideas from a lot of other states. If I end up having to get it from PA, VA, or WV, I'd get extra to keep on hand if it will last, stored outside in the garage of course.

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Re: Substitue for Turpentine in Bloturp

Post by Mick_VT »

Did you hear this in a big box store? Those places are getting rid of all sorts of things and claiming you can no longer buy them when it isn't true. I overheard the paint rep in my local Despot telling customers that alkyd paint was now banned in the state -- I caught them a few moments later and sent them to Sherwin Williams

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Re: Substitue for Turpentine in Bloturp

Post by ZoraQ »

Mick_VT wrote:Did you hear this in a big box store?

No, this was from my local HW store that's been around for almost 75 years. I verified this at a couple other stores and online.

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Re: Substitue for Turpentine in Bloturp

Post by 1918ColonialRevival »

Unfortunately, it's true. What the rationale is, I have no idea:

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