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how to get rid of wasps?

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:58 pm
by phil
now I have a wasp nest , second story they are going under the upper outdoor window casing... How do I get rid of them there? I can get there on a ladder. I dont want ot tear the house apart. is there a trick to this? spray something in the hole where they enter? I'm scared to pull the casing off while on the ladder. If I could see the nest I'd tape a can of spray to a stick and go after them that way but maybe spraying there entry point would do nothing.. the nest might not be right near the entry. I guess I could just guess and drill a hole from inside and try to hit the nest but who knows where it is exactly. I hate to drill holes, those walls are nice and finished.

I had this problem where they were flying into a wall in the porch and I taped a big cear plastic tub over it and then kept spraying killer into a little hole in the tub,, they fly around in there like if they are in the window... but tangling with a wasp nest from a ladder freaks me out.

I thought maybe I could stick a thin plastic hose in there entry way and then couple that to the can of spray and see if I get lucky.. or try the plastic tub idea.... any other ideas?

I stepped on a nest as a kid and it was pretty traumatic being stung like 10 times at once and I have never had a lot of love for wasps since. do they even have any predators? what if I stuck the vacuum cleaner hose near their entrance and taped it there and let the vac run for like 2 days , would they get sucked up when they tried to enter and exit or would they just learn a different way?

Re: how to get rid of wasps?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:31 am
by Gothichome
Phill, the roofers that did our roof usd a foaming wasp and bee stuff. They would stick the spray tube Were they were coming and going and sprayed away. Seemed to work for them.

Re: how to get rid of wasps?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:26 pm
by Nicholas
The hornet spray works good. Shoots a jet of stuff from several feet away. I have wasp nests of all shapes and sizes in the rafter tails.

One time I opened up my circuit box and dozens flew out, they got in through an open conduit hole in the bottom. Huge nest.

Which! Reminds me of a story when I worked at a chemical plant. We would be working in an area sometimes with a huge nest nearby. The Stupidvisor always would say "Oh they won't bother you"...until he got stung in his lower lip. For about 20 minutes he was in tears looking like a member of the Ubangi tribe.

The next day there were cases of hornet spray stacked up in the office... :mrgreen:

Re: how to get rid of wasps?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:34 pm
by phil
thanks for that. all I have on hand is raid but I think Ill try the foamy stuff. I might have a better chance of solving this in one go. If it doesnt' work I guess I could just wait and pull the casing off the outside in the winter when they are dormant. I assume they wouldn't all fly out and be in my face when I'm on the ladder even if they do wake up then right? I could even drill some holes in the casing and just try shooting it in every 6 inches or so. I did open that wall from the inside so I know it's packed with Roxul and there is some vapor barrier on the inside behind the drywall.

Ive attacked them before just by taping the can to a 10 foot stick and taped the nozzle down and just went for it. I found they were more interested in attacking the spray and ignored me completely. that helped as I was able to get a lot mid air as they tried to attack the tin can.

If I need to Ill try the plastic tub trick again. when I did that I ended up with enough to fill a coffee can but had to go spray a bit more as the bin filed up inside with dead wasps. I sometimes get these little ones about the size of an egg but this entry point has a lot of air traffic especially near dusk so whatever is happening in there isn't just tiny. I should catch one and try to ID if they are wasps or hornets or what. sometimes my neighbors bees swarm it happened 7 times and they look after that when it happens and it's always my tree, but I don't think they are bees.

Re: how to get rid of wasps?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 4:18 pm
by SweetCottage
Last year I called out my pest company to deal with a wasp nest being made behind my cedar shakes. Luckily this was only about 9-10 ft off the ground and I noticed it immediately. I paid at least $150 for the guy to come suit up and spray an insecticide powder at the entrance; less than 15 minutes of work. From reviews, the powder is the most effective, because it clings to the surface and they walk through it over the next couple of days. Here's one option on Amazon: and the same product on "Do It Yourself Pest Control"

Re: how to get rid of wasps?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 11:02 pm
by Sashguy
Typically wasps thrive when there is a ready food supply. They are natural enemies of spiders. Are you sure that you want to get rid of them?

Re: how to get rid of wasps?

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:07 pm
by phil
Yea I'm sure I don't want a wasp nest in my kitchen wall ;-)
I dont; think the powder shipps cross border but thanks for the link , maybe I can get it here. Ill try the off the shelf stuff first.

Ive also got beehives close by, my neighbor is a beekeeper. they are much friendlier beasts and if you look at it that way they are in competition too I guess. poisonous spiders are rare here. I guess there are some that can bite and it can be serious but in general they don;t bother me other than when I walk through their webs. I had a lot of the dandy long legs ones in the house and some years ago tried Ozone. that really worked well. I still have them but in way lower numbers. they live in the wall cavities and with all the insulation I've done It's taken over a lot of their real estate.