Yard guests

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Re: "House" guests

Post by Manalto »

Nettie wrote:I chased him around the kitchen with a broom trying to whack him.

Perhaps your goal could have been to get him out of the house instead.

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Re: Yard guests

Post by phil »

I think weasels eat mice and they are pretty afraid of humans, but curious little creatures.

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Re: Yard guests

Post by Gothichome »

:evil: :evil: I spoke to soon, got up yesterday morning only to find the rabbits had ate all the leaves off one full row of string beans.

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Re: Yard guests

Post by Manalto »

I hear that if you sprinkle blood meal around the plants the rabbits will leave them alone. You'd have to re-apply after a heavy rain, of course.

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Re: Yard guests

Post by mjt »

We have a 10-month old, 65+ pound Chocolate Lab puppy who is pretty good at chasing the rabbits away. I'm not sure he'd know what to do if he ever caught one.

Problem is he likes to run through and lay on the hosta. The ground is cooler there, apparently...

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Re: Yard guests

Post by phil »

The puppy sounds like a lot of fun , he's probably worth a few yard plants ;-) Im sure he knows how to do the grab and shake, it's pretty instinctive. Catching ducks is probably his real specialty though ;-) we had a mostly lab and remember dad tried shooting a duck on our lake for dinner and as soon as he fired he was in the water and had the duck right at his feet just like he was intended to do, without any training.
Mom cooked the duck and no one was hungry, we decided to keep it to fishing ;-)

we had a lot of yellow bellied marmots and rats on the grounds. He'd corner one down a hole and bark until a shot was fired in the hole , then he'd know if it was dead he could smell it. once it was he'd walk away wagging and sporting a big doggie smile on his face.

He'll need some training and time, I bet hes like a 3 year old kid now getting into everything with excitement and vigor. Labs are so smart and they always seem to know when to protect and remember who is familiar to them even if there is lots of time between. they will protect if they smell the owner is scared, they can sense it. but unlike a lot of dogs, they are smart enough to know to never to turn up the defenses when it isn't necessary and almost always are very friendly and trustworthy with kids and friends. Beautiful animals.

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Re: "House" guests

Post by Nettie »

Manalto wrote:
Nettie wrote:I chased him around the kitchen with a broom trying to whack him.

Perhaps your goal could have been to get him out of the house instead.

Sorry- just me embellishing a story in an effort to amuse- the broom was something to keep between him and my cat and my bare feet which he seemed intent on charging toward and there was no question that I was the scared one of the three of us. Regardless, he did have a happy ending and got out of the house, hopefully not to return.

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Re: Yard guests

Post by Nettie »

Baby rabbit den in the strawberry patch. Their hole is about the size of a tennis ball at the opening. :-)
2018-06-23 08-25-26 -0500.jpg
2018-06-23 08-25-26 -0500.jpg (603.4 KiB) Viewed 926 times

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Re: "House" guests

Post by Manalto »

Nettie wrote:...there was no question that I was the scared one of the three of us.

I suspect that the both of you were pretty freaked out. Well, at least the cat was entertained.

Nettie wrote:Regardless, he did have a happy ending and got out of the house, hopefully not to return.

Glad to hear it. I heard somewhere that it's usually the young (adolescent) bats that tend to blunder into houses - which I'm sure they immediately regret. No wise old bat would ever do such a thing. 8-)

Wonderful image of the rabbits!

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Re: Yard guests

Post by Lily left the valley »

Had to show the exit out to this guest tonight. (And of course it didn't want to fly out the lower sash...nooooooo...had to be higher and the upper sash still sticks so it only opens a 1/4 of the way.)

We need to screen in the side porch so they stop sneaking in when we're bringing in groceries.
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