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Re: Our First House!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 4:45 am
by Lily left the valley
Hooray and grats! Love the picture.

I have to say, if the trellis falling is the worst move in offense, you're in good shape. ;-)

Re: Our First House!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 5:19 am
by TexasRed
Congrats on the move-in Ober!

Wishing you & Jess a most wonderful first Christmas in your new home

Re: Our First House!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 5:09 pm
by Ober51
Thank you, all!

Once I am done with the trim work and some painting and touch up, I will post the bathroom. Then the crown in the bathroom...

Re: Our First House!

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 12:45 pm
by Ober51
I know it's been a long time since I've popped in, but I figured I'd give an update. Not that I expected people to be wondering or worried, of course!

Unfortunately, there's been good reason I've been a bit scarce around here. After about two months or so of persistent coughing, followed by a couple weeks of nightly chest pain and night sweats, I wound up getting a few tests done. The doctor ordered a mediastinoscopy (you learn the parlance pretty quickly when it's your health) and the biopsy showed lymphoma. More specifically, Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

While this took us by surprise, in the third person on my father's side to be diagnosed. Although I've been told there is currently no research to suggest a familial link, I'm taking part in a study at Sloan to see if they can identify a BRACA -type gene for Lymphoma.

Long story short, work on the house has stopped while I undergo treatment. I'm 1/3 of the way through chemotherapy, with an end date of 8/17. While it drives me nuts to look at the unfinished projects, the better half reminds me that at the age of 34 the house will be here for a long time :)

The good news is that I'm tolerating treatment well and I am still able to work and complete small tasks as I can!

Re: Our First House!

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 1:05 pm
by Mick_VT
Ober51 wrote:I know it's been a long time since I've popped in, but I figured I'd give an update. Not that I expected people to be wondering or worried, of course!

Unfortunately, there's been good reason I've been a bit scarce around here. After about two months or so of persistent coughing, followed by a couple weeks of nightly chest pain and night sweats, I wound up getting a few tests done. The doctor ordered a mediastinoscopy (you learn the parlance pretty quickly when it's your health) and the biopsy showed lymphoma. More specifically, Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

While this took us by surprise, in the third person on my father's side to be diagnosed. Although I've been told there is currently no research to suggest a familial link, I'm taking part in a study at Sloan to see if they can identify a BRACA -type gene for Lymphoma.

Long story short, work on the house has stopped while I undergo treatment. I'm 1/3 of the way through chemotherapy, with an end date of 8/17. While it drives me nuts to look at the unfinished projects, the better half reminds me that at the age of 34 the house will be here for a long time :)

The good news is that I'm tolerating treatment well and I am still able to work and complete small tasks as I can!

Hang in there Ober, my step-sister (also young like you) had the same thing, she is out the other side and been free of it for a couple of years. I'm very glad you were able to move into your house before the diagnosis!

Re: Our First House!

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 7:52 pm
by Neighmond
Pax tecum!

Re: Our First House!

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 1:30 am
by Lily left the valley
Although I'm sure you wish you had better news, it's good to hear your treatment is going ok. Your better half sounds like a gem, and I'm glad you have someone to be with during the treatments as well.

I hope the small bits you've been working on help your peace of mind over suspending larger projects.

As a friend of mine always says, "There will always be a seat at the table for you here."

Re: Our First House!

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 4:17 pm
by Ober51
Thank you!

Although it pains me to say so, I've started to get estimates on finishing the woodwork. This includes stripping/sanding the remaining paint haze, staining, and then clear coat. The first estimate was $47,000! The rest of them are still outstanding, but I really hope they are at least reasonable. While I don't underestimate the work, it is frustrating to know that I could do much of the work if I was healthy. At the same time, I really want it done so I can enjoy myself in the house now and when given the "all clear."

Re: Our First House!

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 5:27 pm
by awomanwithahammer
Ober, I'm so sorry you're having to go through this, but I am glad that you got to move in before it hit. Good thoughts coming your way.

OMG, $47,000? :wtf: You can BUY a house around here for that! Not a nice one, granted, but still...

Re: Our First House!

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 7:11 pm
by Lily left the valley
Ober51 wrote:{snip}The first estimate was $47,000!
That's just shy of half the cost of our home we just bought--and it was "move in ready" despite deferred maintenance. When I see quotes like that, it makes me so grateful my father was a woodworking hobbyist who taught me stuff, and then I built from there when I could. (I admit, when I read that, I caught myself starting to clutch at my chest in a panic, wondering what we'd ever do if we got a quote like that for something.) Whatever you wind up paying, I hope you get exactly what you want out of hiring someone. Even if you don't do it yourself, of course we'll still expect pictures. ;-)

awomanwithahammer wrote:{snip}OMG, $47,000? :wtf: You can BUY a house around here for that! Not a nice one, granted, but still...
Same here. We don't have many below $50K, and none that are, are standard mortgageable. (Is that a word? I'm not sure.)

It's moments like these when I have to remind myself, "they just don't make em like they used to--we got a steal of a deal with Beebe."