Our ghost lamp

Our ghost lamp
The main reason I wanted to come back tonight.

I turned it off for the pic as this camera isn't great and the brightness was a hot mess.

That milk glass lamp was a gift from spouse's retiring co-worker who now lives in Pittsburgh. It's all his fault we started our old-home search sooner than we meant to. (That tale is told elsewhere.)

The piece you see was a curb find. I do not think it is original, but it matches a lesser seen piece that Heywood-Wakefield used to make, that matches pieces I inherited.

The finish, if you've noticed, is weird. I can't tell if someone failed spectacularly to imitate a H-W finish, or at some point it was painted, and then someone tried to stain over it.

Another project piece.

Facing east.

The "Easy ST" frame holds one of our wedding pictures with friends and family. I only had the bad camera, so it's hard to see the "ST" part.

The book on the bottom shelf is "House Thinking". Well-worn, and it was given to me brand spanking new as a gift back in the day when I thought we'd never be able to buy our own home, and was trying to find ways to at least make our rentals feel more homey.

More on the garden tools in a few photos. *laughs* Best laid plans! Laid to waste!
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Lily left the valley
Inventor of Knob and Tube
Posts: 2170
Joined: Sun Aug 14, 2016 2:07 pm

Our ghost lamp

Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:47 am

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