Scuttle Attic?

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Scuttle Attic?

Post by SouthernLady »

Just a quick question--is a scuttle access attic a common thing in middle-class Victorian homes? I keep having people ask me if I have found anything in my attic (knowing they are thinking my attic resembles the one in The Christmas Box), and everyone is shocked when I say my only access is a scuttle access hole in the ceiling so I haven't actually climbed up there.


I did get brave enough to poke my head up in the hole for this picture, though!

What do you think--is it worth a good poking around through the gray fluff up there this winter?

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Re: Scuttle Attic?

Post by Gothichome »

Ha, be brave and climb up. You will most likely find a bit of a floor around the opening to stand on. Take leaf rake up with you, you can sweep what looks to be blown in insulation to one side as you go along. The floor may not be very large so rake ahead of you. You can straddle the joists if you choose to go further off the floor. If nothing else you will know what's under the insulation in the way of electrics.

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Re: Scuttle Attic?

Post by Nicholas »

I don't have a Victorian, but I have a scuttle access, it is in what was once the master bedroom. One of the reasons we purchased the house was because it did have the taller attic, and I had visions of putting a spiral staircase and finishing it.

But the central AC air handler is right in the middle, hanging from the trusses with chains, which I do not like, and ductwork everywhere. I also would have to redo the trusses, and I now want to keep it original. It does have a plywood floor in one corner, by the access, which is great for storage.

I do go up there and able to walk around and explore. Found some interesting things under the insulation fluff.
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Re: Scuttle Attic?

Post by phil »

mine looked like that , it had one inch of insulation plus an added inch of insulating dust so two inches ! not sure what the R value of an inch of dust is but I'd be tempted to use a big vacuum and mask up and just go to town and suck it all out and re-insulate, then sheet the floor with beaver puke board, and you'll have a place to store things. maybe set up a pull down ladder with a counterweight or something , fold down stairs are nice or make the hatch bigger. its a great storage area for things that don't mind being stored at a million degrees
